Wednesday, September 21, 2016

EU - The Governing Council also acknowledged the Greek government’s commitment to implementing the ESM macroeconomic adjustment programme and, on this basis, expects a continued compliance with its conditionality...Mario Draghi - ECB

Publication - Letter from the ECB President to ALDE MEPs regarding the reinstatement of the waiver affecting the eligibility of Greek bonds

Mario DRAGHI President   -  

Global Economy - Since the global financial crisis of 2008, a growing number of countries—both emerging and advanced economies—are turning to macroprudential policies in order to contain risks to the financial system as a whole. Macroprudential policy uses primarily regulatory tools .. - IMF

NEWS Release - Policies to Prevent Crises on the Rise -  Monetary and Capital Markets Department - by Erlend Nier September 20, 2016

Countries increasingly use macroprudential policies to reduce risk of crises - New paper takes stock, draws lessons  - IMF providing advice to countries

Αίρονται οι περιορισμοί στη Τράπεζας Αττικής για την χορήγηση νέων πιστώσεων από την ΤτΕ..

Δελτίο Τύπου - 20/09/2016 - Ανακοίνωση της Τράπεζας της Ελλάδος

Η σημερινή Έκτακτη Γενική Συνέλευση της Τράπεζας Αττικής θέτει τέρμα στο διοικητικό κενό και επιτρέπει στην τράπεζα να ατενίζει με αισιοδοξία το μέλλον.

USA - Unemployment rates were significantly higher in August in 6 states, lower in 3 states, and stable in 41 states .. - BLS


Unemployment rates were significantly higher in August in 6 states, lower in 3 states, and stable in 41 states and the District of Columbia, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. 

Συγκροτήθηκε σε Σώμα το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο της Attica Bank ..

Δελτίο Τύπου - Attica Bank    ΑΝΑΚΟΙΝΩΣΗ ΤΗΣ 20/09/2016

Αποφάσεις της Έκτακτης Γενικής Συνέλευσης της 20ης Σεπτεμβρίου 2016 των μετόχων, κατόχων κοινών μετοχών της Attica Bank Ανώνυμη Τραπεζική Εταιρεία.

Financial markets - Positive image in European markets..- in low 90 months DEUTSCHE BANK

Market Comment 

Good morning to all ... Firmly kept the bank rates the BOJ, while oil prices suggest a slight recovery. European markets shortly before the opening mark small gains, with investors expecting and tomorrow's decision by the FED. .. Forth a positive image for the markets, with the DEUTSCHE BANK. .. but it continues to show signs of weakness, noting yesterday new losses now in the area of moving the last line of defense in 11.226 e.. Noting low 90 months, with the possibility now open for new lower levels.. 


Shortly before the opening of the futures markets of Banking Group Note 0.60% gains in 11.332 e with the stock price has sagged.. animated now below the rim of the Ichimoku. Kumo. confirming the medium-term trend.