Thursday, May 5, 2016

Ανοδικό ξεκίνημα αναμένεται για τις Ευρωπαϊκές αγορές... DAX

Σχόλιο Αγοράς..

Οι Οικονομικοί spreadbetter IG αναμένουν ότι ο FTSE 100 της Βρετανίας θα ανοίξει περίπου 25 μονάδες υψηλότερα , ή 0,40% ο DAX της Γερμανίας θα ανοίξει 38 μονάδες υψηλότερα , ή 0,40%, και ο CAC 40 της Γαλλίας  σταθεροποιητικά..

DAX futures

Τα futures του DAX... λίγο πριν το άνοιγμα των αγορών κινούνται με κέρδη  0,75% στις 9,895μ.. σε μία θετική αντίδραση ... κάτω από το σημείο περιστροφής των 10,067μ.. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

ECB has decided to discontinue production and issuance of €500 banknote ..€500 banknote remains legal tender and will always retain its value ...

04/05/2016                                         Press Release

ECB ends production and issuance of €500 banknote

ECB has decided to discontinue production and issuance of €500 banknote
Europa series of euro banknotes will not include the €500
€500 banknote remains legal tender and will always retain its value

"Getting my mortgage information in a format I can read independently is critical to my ability to manage my finances. I congratulate Bank of America on this landmark initiative and encourage all financial institutions to follow the bank’s leadership role."...

04/05/2016                                      Press Release

Bank of America Enhances Accessibility of Mortgage Documents
Improvements Continue the Bank’s Commitment to Digital Access for All Customers

Discussions will cover a comprehensive package of policy reforms as well as the sustainability of Greece's public debt....EU

04/05/2016                                      Eurogroup meeting, 09/05/2016

Agenda highlights

The Eurogroup will hold an extraordinary meeting to discuss the state of play of the macroeconomic adjustment programme for Greece. 

The European Commission is today proposing to the European Parliament and Council of the European Union to lift the visa requirements for the citizens of Turkey, under the understanding that the Turkish authorities will fulfil, as a matter of urgency and as they committed to do so on 18 March 2016, the outstanding benchmarks of its Visa Liberalisation Roadmap...EU

 Brussels, 4 May 2016                     European Commission - Press release

European Commission opens way for decision by June on visa-free travel for citizens of Turkey

The euro area aggregate debt ratio is estimated to have peaked in 2014 at 94.5% of GDP, up from 68.5% in 2007. Only five of the 19 euro area countries are expected to have recorded debt ratios below the 60% of GDP reference value in 2015....ECB

04/05/2016                                        Publications

Government debt reduction strategies in the euro area