Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Economy - Low levels of public investment, if maintained over a prolonged period, may lead to a deterioration of public capital and diminish longer-term output. - Working Paper - ECB

Publication - The effect of public investment in Europe: a model-based assessment

Since the start of the global financial crisis, public investment has fallen in a number of countries, particularly those that experienced market pressure. Low levels of public investment, if maintained over a prolonged period, may lead to a deterioration of public capital and diminish longer-term output. 

Σημαντική αύξηση παρουσίασε ο Δείκτης Κύκλου Εργασιών στη Βιομηχανία .. - ΕΛΣΤΑΤ

Δελτίο Τύπου - ΔΕΙΚΤΗΣ ΚΥΚΛΟΥ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΩΝ ΣΤΗ ΒΙΟΜΗΧΑΝΙΑ: Δεκέμβριος 2016, ετησία αύξηση 13,5%

Η εξέλιξη του Δείκτη Κύκλου Εργασιών στη Βιομηχανία, με βάση το έτος 2010=100,0 για το μήνα Δεκέμβριο 2016, σύμφωνα με προσωρινά στοιχειά, έχει ως εξής:

EU Economy - Will work with the Greek authorities on the additional package of structural reforms; looking at the tax system, the pensions system, also labour market regulation. - J.Dijsselbloem

Press Release - Remarks by J.Dijsselbloem following the Eurogroup meeting of 20 February 2017

Good afternoon everyone and sorry to surprise you with such a short Eurogroup. I guess half of your colleagues are out somewhere because they didn't expect us back already. I have a couple of sentences on the euro area economy, but I will let commissioner Pierre Moscovici say more on the basis of the winter forecast. We discussed the ease of doing business in the euro area. 

Το Δελτίο Τιμών Χρυσού - Νομισμάτων από την ΤτΕ ..

Αθήνα 21/2/2017

για συναλλαγές της Τ.Ε. με ιδιώτες έναντι Ευρώ (Π.Δ. 2456/00)
έως το ισόποσο των Ευρώ 10.000,00
Ισχύει από 21/2/2017 (08:00) και μέχρι την έκδοση νεοτέρου

Financial markets - Stabilizing opening with marginal losses expected for European markets - DAX

Market comment ..

Good morning Europe .. stabilizing opening with marginal losses expected for European markets, with investors turning their attention to yesterday's reports of the Eurogroup, and the upcoming elections in Europe, starting in Holland and France. Closed for holiday yesterday evening markets on the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Mixed picture show this morning the Asian markets, the Nikkei to make a profit + 0.68% to 19,381,44 m. Gold inched + 0.08% at $ 1,237.15 and the Brent oil losses at 55, $ 81 .. while the pair EUR / USD has made small losses - 0.16% at 1.0608 the Traders should keep in mind the failure of polling companies of previous elections in a fragile economic environment ..

DAX 30


The DAX futures of ... shortly before the opening of markets powered drop - 0.12% to 11.819 m .. marginally below the pivot point of 11 850 m .. still above the Kumo cloud ichimoku the fast oscillator Chikou Span (green line) give positive divergence angle, like the fast stochastic oscillator .. 

Monday, February 20, 2017

EU Economy - The euro area recovery is in its fourth consecutive year, with GDP growth at 1.7% at the end of 2016 - Greece : A staff-level agreement is a necessary condition for the successful conclusion of reviews and therefore for receiving financial support - ..

NEWS Release - Eurogroup  Main results

Greece: state of play

The institutions (the European Commission, the European Central Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the European Stability Mechanism) and Greek Minister for Finance Euclid Tsakalotos briefed the Eurogroup on the second review of Greece's economic adjustment programme, where the main outstanding issues include the medium-term (in 2018 and beyond) fiscal strategy and labour market reform.