Tuesday, March 21, 2017

EU Economy - Banks working in tense macroeconomic conditions should also explore international or historic benchmarks in order to define “reasonable” long-term NPL levels..- ECB

Publication - Guidance to banks on non-performing loans


Introduction  Context of this guidance A number of banks in Member States across the Euro area are currently experiencing high levels of non-performing loans (NPLs), as shown in Figure 1. There is broad consensus on the view that high NPL levels ultimately have a negative impact on bank lending to the economy1 , as a result of the balance sheet, profitability, and capital constraints faced by banks with high NPL levels.

EU Economy - EU-Japan Free Trade Agreement - Strategic Partnership Agreement...-

Prees Release - Remarks by President Donald Tusk before the EU-Japan Leaders' meeting

Dear Prime Minister, dear Shinzō, I am very pleased to welcome you today in Brussels. Your visit gives us an opportunity to push ahead and deepen our bilateral relations, as well as to coordinate before the G7 summit in May in Sicily.

Μικρή μείωση παρουσίασε η Δύναμη του Ελληνικού Εμπορικού Στόλου ..-

Δελτίο Τύπου - ΔΥΝΑΜΗ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΥ ΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΟΥ ΣΤΟΛΟΥ: Ιανουάριος 2017 (Προσωρινά στοιχεία

Η Ελληνική Στατιστική Αρχή (ΕΛΣΤΑΤ) ανακοινώνει τη Δύναμη του Ελληνικού Εμπορικού Στόλου (πλοία 100 Κ.Ο.Χ.1 και άνω) για τον μήνα Ιανουάριο 2017. Ειδικότερα:

New cooperation between the European Investment Bank and the People’s Bank of China .- EIB

NEWS Release - EIB confirms new support for climate investment across eight Chinese provinces and joint green finance engagement with Chinese investors

Speaking at the start of a five day climate focused visit to China, the Vice-President of the European Investment Bank announced that Europe’s long-term lending institution provided EUR 298 million (2.2 billion CNY) to support investment in new environmental, energy efficiency and forestry projects across China last year. 

Στρατηγική μας είναι να μείνουμε εδώ, να κάνουμε ουσιαστική πρόοδο - ώστε να έχουμε συμφωνήσει εμείς και οι θεσμοί πριν από το Eurogroup της 7ης Απριλίου - Ε.Τσακαλώτος

Δελτίο Τύπου -  Δήλωση του Υπουργού Οικονομικών Ευκλείδη Τσακαλώτου για τη συνεδρίαση του Eurogroup

Μετά την ολοκλήρωση της σημερινής συνεδρίασης του Eurogroup, ο υπουργός Οικονομικών, Ευκλείδης Τσακαλώτος, δήλωσε: 

EU Economy - Competitiveness relates to the business environment and institutional framework that allow efficient firms to thrive, thus supporting trade performance and productivity. ..- ECB

Publication -  Two-way link between trade and productivity

Introduction - Owing to the increased availability of firm-level data, various empirical studies have documented the existence of a marked heterogeneity in performance across firms. Empirical literature based on granular data shows that firms are very different in terms of e.g. size, cost structure, profits and productivity, even within finely disaggregated sectors.1