Wednesday, December 7, 2016

European Banks - The NPL ratio decreased to 5.4% in the second half of 2016 from 6.5% at the end of 2014. While there are signs of potential improvements, asset quality is still weak compared to historical figures and other regions .. - EBA

NEWS Release -  EBA sees high NPL levels and low profitability as the main risks for EU banks

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today its ninth report on risks and vulnerabilities in the EU banking sector. The report is accompanied by the EBA's 2016 transparency exercise, which provides essential data, in a comparable and accessible format, for 131 banks across the EU. 

EU - Use of DLT in market infrastructures operated by central banks ..- ECB

NEWS Release -  Distributed Ledger Technology: role and relevance of the ECB  - Speech by Yves Mersch, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB,  22nd Handelsblatt Annual Conference Banken-Technologie, 6 December 2016


Today’s discussions have revolved around digitalisation and new technologies and how they might change the banking business of tomorrow. 

Συνεχίζετε η άνοδος για τον Τουρισμό - Δείκτης Κύκλου Εργασιών στον τομέα Υπηρεσιών Παροχής Καταλύματος και Εστίασης για το Γ΄ τρίμηνο του 2016 ..- ΕΛΣΤΑΤ


Η Ελληνική Στατιστική Αρχή (ΕΛΣΤΑΤ) ανακοινώνει τον Δείκτη Κύκλου Εργασιών στον τομέα Υπηρεσιών Παροχής Καταλύματος και Εστίασης για το Γ΄ τρίμηνο του 2016. 

USA - Education Report PISA - The United States remains in the middle of the rankings, Among the 35 countries in the OECD, The top OECD countries were Japan, Estonia, Finland and Canada...

Publication - Country Note Key findings from PISA 2015 for the United States

Executive summary

This report describes the performance of 15-year-olds in the United States in the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and compares it to that in four countries/economies: Canada, Estonia, Germany and Hong Kong (China). The report then examines policies from these four education systems, which were all selected for their high performance and high or improving levels of equity. It concludes with a discussion of science instruction in the United States. 

Ολοκληρώθηκε η Δημοπρασία Εντόκων Γραμματίων του Ελληνικού Δημοσίου .. στο 2,97% η απόδοση - ΟΔΔΗΧ


Σήμερα διενεργήθηκε δημοπρασία εντόκων γραμματίων διάρκειας 26 εβδομάδων, ύψους 1.250 εκατομμυρίων Ευρώ. Η απόδοση διαμο­ρφώ­θηκε στο 2,97%. Υποβλήθηκαν συνολι­κές προ­­­σφο­ρές ύψους 1.625 εκατομμυρίων Ευρώ, πού υπερκά­λυψαν το ζητούμενο ποσό κατά 1,30 φορές.

BanksTrade - New upward movement from the futures of Deutsche Bank ..

Technical Analysis charts - Deutsche Bank AG

Futures Deutsche Bank AG

New upward movement of the futures of Deutsche Bank, which after strong gains + 7.92% achieved during the meeting yesterday, gave vent upward above the diagonal resistance of 15.95 coming today confronted with the strong resistance of the medium 17 35 .. 

Κέρδη για τα Συμβόλαια των Ελληνικών Τραπεζών - ( Φρανκφούρτη - Borse Frankfurt )

Διαγράμματα Ελληνικών Τραπεζών ( Φρανκφούρτη - Borse Frankfurt ) 

Λίγο μετά το άνοιγμα των Ευρωπαϊκών αγορών θετική εικόνα παρουσιάζουν, τα Συμβόλαια των Ελληνικών Τραπεζών στην αγορά της Φρανκφούρτης .. ακολουθώντας το γενικότερο θετικό κλίμα στον Ευρωπαϊκό Τραπεζικό κλάδο, με τους επενδυτές να αναμένουν ανακοινώσεις για την στήριξη των Ιταλικών τραπεζών στην αυριανή σύσκεψη της ΕΚΤ.  ..  Τα συμβόλαια της ALPHA BANK σημειώνουν ισχυρή   ανοδική τάση + 5,34 % στα 1,907  .. με αυξημένο όγκο συναλλαγών ... Το ενδιαφέρον επίσης εστιάζεται στα Συμβόλαια στης Εθνικής Τράπεζας ... τα οποία σημειώνουν κέρδη 3,99 % στα 0,239 .. ενώ κέρδη ισχυρά παρουσιάζουν και τα Συμβόλαια της Τράπεζας Πειραιώς + 6,62% στα 0,221 με περιορισμένο όγκο συναλλαγών...  Τα Συμβόλαια της Eurobank αυτή την ώρα σημειώνουν κέρδη + 3,525 στα 0,735

National Bank of Greece S.A.

Προσπάθεια ανοδικής διαφυγής πάνω από τα όρια της διαγωνίου, με ισχυρό ανοδικό σήμα από τον ταλαντωτή Chikou Span ( πράσινη γραμμή ), με τον δείκτη όμως fast stochastic να κινείται σε υπερ αγορασμένη ζώνη τιμών ..

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Financial markets - Strong upward move from the STOXX® Europe 600 Banks ..

Market comment ..

After a stabilizing opening and transitions sign ... a strong upward move while the STOXX® Europe 600 Banks, in a reaction of European banks in the wake of concerns that had been created on the occasion of the Italian Referendum, with investors turning their gaze on the ECB announcements on Thursday .. The European banks with precursors of the German Deutsche Bank AG + 5,90% to 16.181 and Commerzbank AG + 5,18% to 6.96 .. and the Italian banks Unione di Banche Italiane SpA with gains of 6.01% to 2.19 and Mediobanca Banca di Credito Finanziario SpA + 6.91% to 6.88 .. notes gains of 3.09% at 164.02 m ... moving high 10 months ..

STOXX® Europe 600 Banks

The STOXX® Europe 600 Banks ... despite concerns that have occurred in recent days ... has shown a great strength and managed to hold above the support level of 157.7 m .. moving between a narrow range between EMA 21 to 156.71 and the EMA to 9 157.5 m keeping intact the support of EMA 9. 

Statement by ESM Managing Director Klaus Regling - The time horizon until 2060 is unusually long and implies great uncertainty. Therefore one has to be very careful that these are estimates – our best estimates at the moment.But there is a high degree of uncertainty, market conditions can change, and therefore this has to be preliminary. But very clearly, together these measures will improve Greek debt sustainability.

Press  Release -  Transcript from Eurogroup press conference on Greece  - Statement by ESM Managing Director Klaus Regling following the Eurogroup's approval of Short-term debt measures for Greece  - Press conference following Eurogroup meeting, 5 December 2016

Good evening, let me say a few words about the short-term debt relief measures that I presented to the ministers this evening, and as you heard from the Chairman of the Eurogroup, the ministers endorsed these measures, so we will start implementing them over the next few weeks, and then implementation itself will take a while.

USA Economy - The forceful monetary policy response, the liquidity programs of the Federal Reserve, and the FDIC's guarantee of bank debt prevented the bottom from dropping out of the badly shaken financial system. The emergency fiscal stimulus of 2009 helped prevent a downward spiral in the real economy from a Great Recession to another depression. - Daniel K. Tarullo - FED

NEWS Release -  Speech - Governor Daniel K. Tarullo  - At the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland and Office of Financial Research 2016 Financial Stability Conference, Washington, D.C.

Last summer, when I accepted President Loretta Mester's invitation to speak at this conference, I thought it would be a good occasion to step back and assess where we stand in our post-crisis efforts to promote financial stability in the United States.

Προμέρισμα 0,20 Ευρώ ανά μετοχή, για τους Μετόχους της ΜΟΤΟΡ ΟΪΛ, ανακοίνωσε η Εταιρεία ..

Δελτίο Τύπου -   Πληρωμή Προμερίσματος για τη Χρήση 2016  - ΜΟΤΟΡ ΟΪΛ

Ανακοινώνεται στους κ.κ. Μετόχους ότι το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο της Εταιρείας κατά τη συνεδρίασή του της 16ης Νοεμβρίου 2016 αποφάσισε τη διανομή προμερίσματος ποσού 0,20 Ευρώ ανά μετοχή έναντι του καταβλητέου μερίσματος της χρήσης 2016. 

UK Economy - Monetary policy has been keeping the patient alive, creating the possibility of a lasting cure through fiscal and structural operations.- Despite such immense progress, many citizens in advanced economies are facing heightened uncertainty, lamenting a loss of control and losing trust in the system. - Mark Carney Governor of the Bank of England

Publication - The Spectre of Monetarism  - Speech given by Mark Carney Governor of the Bank of England - Roscoe Lecture - Liverpool John Moores University -  5 December 2016

Real incomes falling for a decade. The legacy of a searing financial crisis weighing on confidence and growth. The very nature of work disrupted by a technological revolution. This was the middle of the 19th century. Liverpool was in the midst of a golden age; its Custom House was the national Exchequer’s biggest source of revenue. And Karl Marx was scribbling in the British Library, warning of a spectre haunting Europe, the spectre of communism.

Το Δελτίο Τιμών Χρυσού - Νομισμάτων, από την ΤτΕ ..

Αθήνα 6/12/2016

για συναλλαγές της Τ.Ε. με ιδιώτες έναντι Ευρώ (Π.Δ. 2456/00)
έως το ισόποσο των Ευρώ 10.000,00
Ισχύει από 6/12/2016 (08:00) και μέχρι την έκδοση νεοτέρου